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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Manipulate This and That

I'm a member of Gallery 96, in Stratford. In September we had an exhibition called "Manipulate This". Members took a workshop on manipulating images using photoshop or gimp. The work produced was exhibited as works on canvas or as animations. All work was produced from an earlier work by the artist. "Manipulate That" was an art happening that followed where the public was invited to create and manipulate art and music. Above is the cover of the catalogue featuring work by Val O'Flynn and myself.

I had three pieces in the show, the first "Florabunda" was an image of an old quilted wall piece, "Secret Garden"
"Secret Garden"


The second piece was from a sculpture piece called "Guardian", a mixed media piece. The torso had pencil drawings of birds. The altered piece was called "Guardian 2" and was printed on canvas then beaded.The last piece was much smaller and done on my computer, printed on fabric, embellished and beaded. It was called "Iris" and was derived from a photograph.


Here are a few collages from another show at Gallery 96

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