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Monday, April 5, 2010

Art in the Barn : Wendy O'Brien is a mixed media fibre artist who uses a variety of materials and techniques in her work. The Barn Studio/Gallery is open by chance or appointment from June 1 to Thanksgiving. It is located 7 minutes from downtown Stratford, Ontario.

#4264, Line 36 (Quinlin Rd.)
R.R. #5, Stratford Ontario
N5A 6S6

Directions: Huron St. west to O'Loane Ave., turn right
north to the first stop sign (line 36), turn left
3rd house on the right #4264

1 comment:

Josh Swenson said...

Fibre art is awesome. Thanks so much for sharing your site with the world so we can see all of the amazing things that you do.